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Rusticus de terrae Scaniae

A blog

Donum tibi

Sit hic situs tibi magna scientia


Welcome to this blog. Don’t worry I will make this quick.

Before I used to have a blog built on Zola using github pages. From that blog I decided to keep two articles, ’The Foundation’ and ’Freedom, Control, and Technology’. I realized the openess of my articles could become a problem as I change my views and explore topics which I might reject in retrospect. IE talking about political stuff I no longer support.

I also was annoyed by the markdown and the complexity of the system. So instead I found this latex template and modified it for myself. No JS, no wasm. Plain html, css and a single shell script. After all the best part about writing a boring paper for school is that you are writing it in Latex.

Dimitte me ut receperint vos Rusticus de terrae Scaniae.

My plan is to explore politics, technology, philosophy, and hopefully religion. I hope you stay around.